June 5, 2024

Mastering Career and Finances with ADHD: Insights and Strategies from Shell Mendelson

Mastering Career and Finances with ADHD: Insights and Strategies from Shell Mendelson

Unlock the secrets to mastering your career and finances, especially if you have ADHD, with insights from our 35-year veteran ADHD career coach, Shell Mendelson. We kick off the episode with an exciting announcement of our new project aimed at helping ADHDers gain better control over their financial lives. Shell shares her invaluable wisdom, including her adapted version of the iconic "What Color Is Your Parachute?" framework, making it more visual and easier to grasp for ADHD minds. 

Ever felt like you're your own worst enemy when it comes to making positive choices? Discover the concept of the "safekeeping self" and learn how to break free from internal barriers that hold you back. Shell Mendelson and I have an engaging conversation about the pitfalls of impulsive decisions and the importance of financial planning. We discuss how acknowledging genuine personal interests can lead to long-term satisfaction, and why community support plays a crucial role in successful financial and career planning.

Navigating traditional work environments can be challenging for those with ADHD, but we’ve got you covered. We explore why self-accommodation plans are vital and how rigid corporate settings can stifle productivity. Highlighting real-life examples, we emphasize the importance of flexibility and understanding from employers. To cap it all off, we introduce Shell's book, "A Course for Adults and Teens: Unlock Your Career Path," as a must-have resource for gaining clarity and focus in your career journey. This episode is packed with actionable advice and inspiration tailored for anyone struggling with career and financial challenges while living with ADHD.

Financial planning and coaching for adults with ADHD
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00:01 - ADHD Career Coaching Masterclass

11:35 - Exploring the Safekeeping Self

18:26 - Exploring Career Happiness and Financial Solutions

22:47 - Corporate Purpose and Accommodations

29:29 - Navigating Workplace Challenges With ADHD

40:46 - Navigating Career Choices With ADHD

45:25 - Unlock Your Career Path Book Promotion

51:02 - Exploring Fulfilling Careers and Investments


00:00:01.181 --> 00:00:11.714
Welcome back to ADHD Money Talk, the show that has not been consistently putting out podcast episodes for all of you lovely people, but guess what?

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There's an episode today and we can't change the past.

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I don't want to change the past because I've been busy, being way too busy with self-inflicted busyness, and that is my life.

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That's just what's been going on Working on too many projects, trying to do too much stuff but the bottom line is a lot of my busyness has been in preparation for something that I'm very excited about, and I have very little hints to give you, like none, except for that you're going to want to stay tuned because I will be unleashing the best thing that's ever happened for ADHDers who want to get their money together, be in control of their money and be guided by somebody who consistently delivers an approach that is sensitive just sensitive, because I am sensitive, but also an approach that is sensitive and aware and totally focused on the shortcomings that we adhders have when it comes to managing our money, which everybody's different.

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Everybody's got different shortcomings.

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Everybody with ADHD has various strengths and weaknesses that apply to money.

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You know some are very good at getting on a.

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You know some know have the knowledge for money.

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So it's just about getting the motivation, the correct motivation, and some people don't have enough knowledge that it's overwhelming and intimidating.

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And then we all typically struggle with the constant stimulation chase, whether that's spending too much money on stuff that's stimulating or whether that's not staying consistently stimulated by managing money effectively.

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So until you can figure out why it's worth it intrinsically, at the deepest, rudest, corest level, it's going to be tough, but what I'm going to unleash on the world is going to have a lot of that and more, and I can't wait.

00:02:20.020 --> 00:02:21.104
It's going to be so exciting.

00:02:21.104 --> 00:02:28.326
I thought it was going to be here already, because I have magical thinking and I'm like, oh, this project two months?

00:02:28.326 --> 00:02:32.443
Nah, it's been like seven months now, but it's coming.

00:02:32.443 --> 00:02:33.123
It's coming.

00:02:33.123 --> 00:02:36.211
I'm just learning to take my time, but it's coming.

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So, with all that said, if you still have this podcast checked off as a following and you get a notification or whatever when a new one comes out.

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Thank you, because maybe you saw this.

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I'm going to talk to somebody today.

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This is going to be a conversation with Shell Mendelson, who is an ADHD career coach and she's great.

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You should use her.

00:02:58.622 --> 00:03:09.901
I mean, if you look in the mirror and you say this is what I'm doing with my life right now I go to this job nine to five and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and say this is what I'm doing with my life right now I go to this job nine to five and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and say I am fulfilled in this, this is what I want, then you don't need her.

00:03:09.901 --> 00:03:28.287
But if you want a career that aligns with your values, that aligns with your financial goals, and you want help figuring out that whole, all the stuff there's a lot more than you think that goes beneath the surface of figuring this stuff out.

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She's an expert at it.

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I talked to her today.

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She's so fun to talk to, like she's just so chill and we recorded this like maybe two months ago and she's just been like bugging me, like get it out, get it out.

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I'm just like, I'm in paralysis of like I can't do anything besides, just do what my brain is yelling at me to do, which is get caught up on the millions of things that I'm not caught up on.

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And she just kept nagging and nagging.

00:03:49.304 --> 00:03:49.846
And you know what?

00:03:49.846 --> 00:03:56.451
It's like the kind of nagging that's like the best kind of nag, because it's like you're so right, I need to do this.

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Like what am I doing?

00:03:57.420 --> 00:03:59.645
It's like it's like the shame you want.

00:04:01.270 --> 00:04:03.495
She's going to listen to this and be like, what the heck are you talking about?

00:04:03.495 --> 00:04:08.046
So, anyways, I'm pretty sure this conversation starts off like mid-sentence or something.

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So I know you're gonna get a lot out of it.

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You're gonna get a lot more out of this conversation than you have over the past five minutes of me just talking about basically, basically nothing.

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So let's do the talk.

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Let's talk to shell.

00:04:21.141 --> 00:04:21.903
Hi, shell.

00:04:21.903 --> 00:04:24.749
So like why did you write this book?

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it's long like you wrote a lot well, it's 35 years of all the work that I've done, not just before I was diagnosed, but certainly after I was diagnosed, and I'll go back and say that I was trained by richard bowles, who wrote what color is your parachute?

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And I was using, and always have used, that format, that basic format, for years.

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But what I found was, even before I was diagnosed, later in life, I was starting to tweak it quite a bit.

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The order of how things were presented I had to change to fit what I thought was easier for people to understand and made more sense in general, and I had to add additional graphics because I am a visual learner and many of the people I work with are visual learners.

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So I started doing lots of graphics and using metaphors to illustrate ideas that I was trying to get across to people to make it easier, simpler to digest.

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And always my goal was how do you get people who can't articulate and don't know what they want in their work to finally be able to gain that clarity and focus and speak of it and articulate it?

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That's a tall order and I think a lot of people, many people, most people, have not had any kind of schooling or coursework or direction regarding how to do that step by step.

00:06:00.285 --> 00:06:02.870
Lots of career books out there, lots of stuff.

00:06:02.870 --> 00:06:10.427
Parachute was the first one that I found that actually did the work, you know, help people sort of break things down.

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But what I found and I still love Parachute and I always say get that book as a resource.

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It's a big book and it's a great resource to have and everyone should have a copy of it.

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And I'd say, get the 2017 edition.

00:06:24.701 --> 00:06:26.348
So it's Parachute by who?

00:06:27.040 --> 00:06:28.704
What Color is your Parachute?

00:06:28.704 --> 00:06:31.129
By Richard N Bowles.

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Now, richard N Bowles was a person who trained me in the process himself and me, myself and other career people and just job changers were all there for three weeks getting indoctrinated in this process.

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I did it several times so that I could really get a good sense, because I was already a career counselor and I just wanted to have the method that I could use with other people, and so from that I started working in in-person groups.

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I mean, I've been doing this for 30, close to 35 years now and it's changed, it's shifted and changed along with my own need for changing things up, being flexible, growing in my field, having fun with what I'm doing.

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You know you've got ADHD.

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You know we can't be bored.

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We got to love what we do.

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Got to love it.

00:07:24.723 --> 00:07:30.750
Yeah, if we didn't love it, how good do you think we'd really be at what we do if we didn't love it?

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If we didn't love it, it would become a soul-sucking chore.

00:07:35.754 --> 00:07:37.396
Soul-sucking is a perfect word to use.

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Yeah, perfect words.

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I have heard many people use those terms, soul-sucking, and they come to me.

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They're in soul-sucking and they come to me.

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They're in these soul-sucking, freaking jobs that they have to go to every day.

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And then many people get slotted into these performance improvement programs PIPs, which I'm sure you're familiar with that are the kiss of death, literally, for people with ADHD in terms of keeping their jobs or actually improving things, because they don't really improve.

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They just are one step to, you know, being let loose.

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And in the meantime the people involved in those programs incur such trauma.

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I mean, I've talked to so many traumatized people that have gone through that kind of a process because they don't even deal with the work that they're doing or try to improve it.

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They just make it harder for them and they become more watched.

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So once you get into one of those, I always say it's time to start exiting or finding an exit as quickly, as soon as you can.

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And this process that I do is the step that pretty much everyone needs, whether it's with me or a book I don't know if you can do a book great to figure this stuff out, so that you don't make the same mistakes over and over and over again, which is what happens when people don't have any kind of structure for doing this work.

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People don't have any kind of structure for doing this work.

00:09:05.532 --> 00:09:06.793
So I offer the masterclass.

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That's what I got started three and a half years ago now and they've been going full on ever since I started.

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And from doing that masterclass I finally wrote the book, because I was writing it the whole time that I was presenting it to people, shifting and changing and adding things to it, and I got tired of having to tweak everything and I said I just have to do it myself.

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I just got to do it myself and I just buckled down and did it.

00:09:38.860 --> 00:09:45.732
And it was a labor of love, for sure, because I know there's nothing else out there like this.

00:09:45.732 --> 00:09:46.914
You've seen it right.

00:09:46.914 --> 00:09:48.505
Have you seen anything like it?

00:09:48.866 --> 00:09:49.028

00:09:49.561 --> 00:09:52.448
No, nothing exists like this that I'm aware of.

00:09:52.448 --> 00:09:53.431
I did the research.

00:09:53.431 --> 00:09:56.469
It's very ADHD friendly, is it not?

00:09:57.779 --> 00:09:58.721
Yeah, you've got.

00:09:58.721 --> 00:10:05.631
You have like 100 and something pages dedicated to careers in ADHD and helping people.

00:10:05.631 --> 00:10:08.241
I mean, that's boom, there's nothing.

00:10:08.442 --> 00:10:09.304
Breaking it down.

00:10:09.304 --> 00:10:13.159
Yeah, it's got the exercises that ask you the pertinent questions.

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It helps to allow you to identify your what I call must haves, the things that are so important to you.

00:10:22.120 --> 00:10:30.269
I would assume for you, david, money topics, or you know, you're the skill of helping people grow their money or whatever it is.

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That skill is that you have has to be used for you to feel fulfilled.

00:10:35.328 --> 00:10:37.013
Is that true or not true?

00:10:37.879 --> 00:10:38.380
That's true.

00:10:38.380 --> 00:10:57.280
I think I've learned through my own journey of doing what I'm doing that the fulfillment is coming more from watching clients succeed as opposed to like just talking about money doesn't really do anything for me, but it's in the context of talking about it so that someone can have their life be changed for the better.

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And I think you're very typical, as I am, of people with with ADHD in terms of being purpose-driven, like we have a purpose.

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Having a purpose is everything.

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It sets the groundwork for what we do.

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Next, it sets the groundwork for what we do every day, and when you really understand who you are and you own all the elements that are super important to you your must haves and you take a look at them and you drown out the voices telling you this isn't going to work, that's not going to work.

00:11:30.932 --> 00:11:31.682
Have you tried this?

00:11:31.682 --> 00:11:32.785
Have you tried that?

00:11:32.785 --> 00:11:34.413
And you know what I'm talking about.

00:11:34.413 --> 00:11:45.268
That's called the safekeeping self, the term I use, and it was coined by Richard Bowles many, many years ago, and I just always expand on that, the safekeeping self.

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What is that?

00:11:46.799 --> 00:11:59.072
The safekeeping self is the I can't, I won't, I shouldn't All the reasons that we have for not making certain choices that we know are going to move us forward in a positive way.

00:11:59.072 --> 00:12:20.210
Even the smallest things like acknowledging that you enjoy art, if you're a business person or if you're an accountant, and you enjoy some aspects of the visual arts and actually they're kind of important for you to have in the work that you do on some level.

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But it doesn't mean you have to be a visual artist.

00:12:23.296 --> 00:12:49.426
But just acknowledging that, without and wholeheartedly saying yes, it's important to me, without fear of it taking your money down a few notches, just being bold enough to say this is important to me, these are my must-haves, because without being able to do that, without doing that, in a sense you're saying I'm not important, what I want isn't important.

00:12:49.426 --> 00:13:00.927
And with ADHD, if we don't acknowledge all of that at some point, we will never get to the place that we really are going to be, is going to be sustainable over the long haul.

00:13:01.268 --> 00:13:07.769
You know, in terms of the work we do, you know the shiny object things that people go for like, oh, I've got a great.

00:13:07.769 --> 00:13:12.344
Either I've got a great idea or I saw this job that looks like it might be cool.

00:13:12.344 --> 00:13:15.511
Or I saw this program that looks like it might be cool.

00:13:15.511 --> 00:13:18.645
I think I'll invest a few thousand bucks in this thing.

00:13:18.645 --> 00:13:21.653
That looks really I call it shiny object classes.

00:13:21.653 --> 00:13:25.801
You know, I think I'll try this.

00:13:25.821 --> 00:13:33.243
I think think I'll try that you know what I'm talking about any of the people that of your audience know what I'm talking about and I certainly was there.

00:13:33.363 --> 00:13:48.730
I have been there completely it's hard, especially when when you just keep hopping from shiny object class to hop shiny object class, but it's always done impulsively and without any real pre-thinking about like why am I really doing this?

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it's just yeah, I know something feels good about it.

00:13:51.921 --> 00:13:57.759
It's not that they should be, it should be totally disregarded, but it tends to get disregarded.

00:13:57.759 --> 00:14:23.529
When you do it, you drop it and you don't finish it, and then you feel bad about that and you look back but there's something that you that drew you there that is of importance yeah, like I think something like internal within you that's just having a hard time articulating itself, that's sort of like expressing itself through this, like never-ending search for something more or new, more and new totally when you ask about the book.

00:14:24.311 --> 00:14:26.955
The book sort of helps on many levels.

00:14:26.955 --> 00:14:35.806
It also provides that kind of emotional support to help you notice when that safekeeping self is entering the room.

00:14:35.806 --> 00:14:38.868
I call it.

00:14:40.448 --> 00:14:58.548
It reminded me of something I've learned in my psychology of financial planning studies, where a lot of our money beliefs that we think we have, that we think are our beliefs, or the things that we think that we should be doing with our money.

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They're not really what we want to be doing with our money.

00:14:59.774 --> 00:15:00.860
It's just something that we've been told we should do.

00:15:00.860 --> 00:15:06.139
So that's why there's never any real commitment or follow through or execution on it.

00:15:06.139 --> 00:15:10.129
It's because it's something that you have been told over and over again.

00:15:10.129 --> 00:15:11.846
This is what you need to do, this is what you should do.

00:15:11.846 --> 00:15:27.292
You should have an emergency fund that's this big, you should have this and that, but really it's not what you actually want, and so you have to really disregard what society says sometimes and figure out what is it that you really want, even if it's not the thing that your parents would want you to do or that society would approve of.

00:15:27.292 --> 00:15:32.830
You have to connect to what it is that you really want, which I think is what you're basically saying in your domain.

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But you really want and own it, and own it unapologetically, and that's the hard part for a lot of people.

00:15:40.640 --> 00:15:44.730
So we want to please so many of our family members, friends.

00:15:44.730 --> 00:15:52.773
We want people to know that we're on track and we try and fit in a lot of times when it's not really easy to do.

00:15:52.773 --> 00:15:55.365
But I love what you said about money.

00:15:55.365 --> 00:16:04.147
I think the money part plays into this whole process and it comes in the form of what are your actual expenses?

00:16:04.147 --> 00:16:09.855
What is the baseline of what you need to make and earn before you can even look at anything else?

00:16:09.855 --> 00:16:22.033
And how are you going to make sure that that's being covered, even if it means maybe taking what I call a means to an end job in addition to getting some training or something like that?

00:16:22.033 --> 00:16:27.567
But if you don't have those numbers in front of you, you can't be very realistic about it, right?

00:16:27.567 --> 00:16:34.990
That's just one of the factors that we look at, and it doesn't mean that they can't change or they can't be.

00:16:35.774 --> 00:16:38.022
Somebody really called me on that one the other day.

00:16:38.022 --> 00:16:40.106
I'm trying to think the situation.

00:16:40.106 --> 00:16:48.227
They were saying yeah, when you know that you also need to know to be able to move things around or to take things out.

00:16:48.227 --> 00:16:51.548
It gives you a chance to see what you're actually spending money on.

00:16:51.548 --> 00:16:55.871
So you can actually decide oh, I don't think that's important to spend money on anymore.

00:16:55.871 --> 00:17:06.060
Maybe I can get things down to, if I have to take like an intern job that doesn't pay me quite as much, that if I take this out I can move it around and make it work.

00:17:06.060 --> 00:17:09.369
So it gives you more incentive to actually make it work.

00:17:09.369 --> 00:17:12.028
And, by the way, you're listed as a resource in the book.

00:17:12.028 --> 00:17:12.590
You know that.

00:17:12.913 --> 00:17:13.494
I do know that.

00:17:13.494 --> 00:17:14.420
Thank you very much.

00:17:14.420 --> 00:17:15.423
I appreciate it.

00:17:15.423 --> 00:17:18.651
You're welcome, yeah, when you're, as you're saying.

00:17:18.651 --> 00:17:31.510
That it kind of is giving me flashbacks of various meetings I've had with clients where we're kind of discussing like what are the main things you can do to improve your current financial situation?

00:17:31.510 --> 00:17:37.290
You can either spend less and save more, or you can spend the same and make more and save more.

00:17:37.290 --> 00:17:40.625
And then the third is you can you can have your investments do better.

00:17:40.625 --> 00:17:57.933
But the first two are the ones that are like I get in these conversations where it's almost like the advice that they don't want to hear is that I think you should consider finding a way to make more money yeah because it's like, well, how, and I only have so many ideas on that.

00:17:58.580 --> 00:18:17.631
but if you're, if your vision for your life is so and so, but your current career and income trajectory doesn't support that, then to me that just seems like a prudent thing to start exploring, because you're so limited by your income, on what you can do to get more financially healthy.

00:18:17.631 --> 00:18:19.480
So which kind of sucks.

00:18:19.480 --> 00:18:23.527
In general, I mean, it's a kind of a sucky thing to have to always be dealing with.

00:18:23.567 --> 00:18:26.431
but but you can give yourself an automatic raise.

00:18:26.431 --> 00:18:39.969
If you look, if you look at your expenses with with absolute authenticity and honesty, and you go, oh my gosh, I'm spending so much money on this stupid cable channel and I could just stream.

00:18:39.969 --> 00:18:47.432
You know, I mean Siri different little things that could end up maybe making you a thousand bucks more a month.

00:18:47.432 --> 00:18:48.670
You never know.

00:18:49.494 --> 00:18:50.296
Oh yeah, easy.

00:18:50.296 --> 00:18:59.480
For so many people the thing is on paper, it always looks so easy, and then it's like okay, here's a list of things you're gonna do, and if you do these, you're gonna have 1000 extra bucks in your pocket.

00:18:59.480 --> 00:19:14.828
And then first, for one reason or another, there's often still something, some resistance, that they didn't really think over the feedback I get from people who've gone through the expenses part.

00:19:14.929 --> 00:19:20.811
just list your expenses in here, or some of the expenses to consider, and then add whatever else is that?

00:19:20.811 --> 00:19:29.743
It helps them to do exactly that, Because then they see oh my gosh, how much am I spending on that.

00:19:29.743 --> 00:19:31.934
It really does help them get a reality check on that.

00:19:33.195 --> 00:19:33.336
It does.

00:19:33.336 --> 00:19:35.520
It's pretty cool how that works.

00:19:35.520 --> 00:19:43.066
Just seeing it is like eye opening, and that's kind of what a lot of us just actually are avoiding is actually just looking at it.

00:19:43.066 --> 00:19:57.064
So once you're kind of looking at it, it's equal parts scary, but then it quickly the actual satisfaction of looking at it takes over, because you're like at least I know what I'm dealing with now, as opposed to just pretending it doesn't exist.

00:19:57.465 --> 00:19:59.099
Yeah, and then it's fun.

00:20:00.017 --> 00:20:01.108
It can be very fun.

00:20:01.451 --> 00:20:06.546
Yeah, I'm going to chop this one off and or switch this one out for something.

00:20:06.546 --> 00:20:13.077
You know, I can take this class or I could do this thing that I've always wanted to do, or maybe go on a vacation or do something.

00:20:13.077 --> 00:20:17.488
If I just don't do this thing that I've always wanted to do, or maybe go on a vacation or do something if I just don't do this, whatever, I know we can get into that.

00:20:17.488 --> 00:20:34.605
You've probably had these conversations a lot, but as far as making a career shift, it can really help if you need to get some more training, for example, in something very specific and one of the things the book and working with me in the class, because that's a deeper dive, by the way.

00:20:34.605 --> 00:20:35.676
So I do.

00:20:35.777 --> 00:20:39.853
I still do the masterclass for people and the book is part of the masterclass.

00:20:39.853 --> 00:20:42.319
So they go through the book while we're we're getting.

00:20:42.319 --> 00:20:48.784
They're getting coached as they go along the way with accountability, and accountability is a big part of it, right?

00:20:48.784 --> 00:21:03.481
So the other people in in the cohort in the class help each other out in terms of networking and staying on track and doing the exercises body doubling and all of that While in the class they're getting coached.

00:21:03.481 --> 00:21:11.326
But the book will take you through a lot of that, and it is possible to do the book with other people, not by yourself.

00:21:11.326 --> 00:21:14.233
With ADHD, it's very tough to do it on your own.

00:21:14.233 --> 00:21:15.778
You need to have some accountability.

00:21:15.778 --> 00:21:18.044
Oh yes, absolutely and.

00:21:18.084 --> 00:21:21.681
I have a whole section called accountability and you are your accountability.

00:21:21.681 --> 00:21:23.987
I can't remember the title exactly, but it's.

00:21:23.987 --> 00:21:27.702
It talks about different ways that you can stay on track.

00:21:27.702 --> 00:21:30.188
That that are fun Makes sense, you know.

00:21:30.714 --> 00:21:31.297
Yeah for sure.

00:21:31.297 --> 00:21:48.701
So I'm looking at your book now and what are some of the like key symptoms, I guess, or kind of flags in your mind of like, okay, this person is, doesn't, is not happy in their career, there's some disconnect, or just like, what are some of the common things you see in people that are coming to you?

00:21:48.701 --> 00:21:54.019
Like, what are some of the common complaints that come in like frustrations, and let's go down that line of thinking?

00:21:54.019 --> 00:21:57.402
I know I just kind of said it in a few different ways, but I think you get where I'm going with it.

00:21:58.083 --> 00:22:02.208
Well, for one thing, anyone that contacts me, I assume, needs help on some level.

00:22:02.208 --> 00:22:05.771
I can't figure it out, or struggling to figure it out.

00:22:05.771 --> 00:22:13.767
I shouldn't say they can't, but they're challenged in that way and some people are feeling more frustrated than others.

00:22:13.767 --> 00:22:17.766
Some people just want more options.

00:22:17.766 --> 00:22:26.845
So, on the lighter side, they want more options, they have some idea and, even lighter than that, they actually like their jobs.

00:22:26.845 --> 00:22:36.643
But now they want to see well, maybe there's a lateral move or there's more opportunities to do more of what I like or to do different aspects of what I like.

00:22:36.643 --> 00:22:38.902
So that's on the lighter side.

00:22:38.902 --> 00:22:41.763
On the more intense side, it's like they don't have a clue.

00:22:41.763 --> 00:22:45.727
They really are frustrated and they just want the direction.

00:22:45.727 --> 00:22:47.240
They want a way to figure it out.

00:22:47.875 --> 00:22:49.502
How do I figure out my must-haves?

00:22:49.502 --> 00:22:51.618
What do I actually need?

00:22:51.618 --> 00:22:52.300
Who am I?

00:22:52.300 --> 00:22:53.804
Who the heck am I?

00:22:53.804 --> 00:22:55.827
And also what's my purpose.

00:22:55.827 --> 00:23:08.386
People don't directly ask for that in this, but that's part of what it culminates and ends up offering as well is a way to really understand what your purpose is, your overall.

00:23:08.386 --> 00:23:10.037
That goes beyond work.

00:23:10.037 --> 00:23:14.045
It's just like when you have that, it makes it.

00:23:14.045 --> 00:23:21.808
It is kind of like that fire that is lit underneath all of us to keep us going, knowing that, oh, I'm here for a reason.

00:23:21.808 --> 00:23:23.057
I got to do this thing.

00:23:23.057 --> 00:23:25.383
If I don't do it, who's going to do it?

00:23:25.383 --> 00:23:26.846
Somebody's got to do it.

00:23:26.846 --> 00:23:28.096
Might as well be me.

00:23:28.096 --> 00:23:29.378
That's kind of how I am.

00:23:29.378 --> 00:23:30.902
That's how I started.

00:23:30.902 --> 00:23:33.606
I ended up doing pretty much everything I've done.

00:23:40.375 --> 00:23:41.498
Yeah, purpose is so, so key, like for most of my clients.

00:23:41.498 --> 00:23:43.020
We have like an established like statement of financial purpose.

00:23:43.020 --> 00:23:50.345
You need to have that kind of North Star guiding your decisions and your life, otherwise you just kind of float.

00:23:50.345 --> 00:23:51.267
It's like what's the point?

00:23:51.267 --> 00:23:53.178
You know it just, I don't know just.

00:23:53.438 --> 00:24:06.438
it really solidifies so much for people it really does and I wish everyone really got that yeah it's hard to find, though, especially if you're coming from a place of like real kind of like purposelessness.

00:24:06.438 --> 00:24:17.487
It could be hard and it would take a lot of work, but I, I truly believe that, um, with the right support and and with the work that you have to put into figuring it out, it can be done.

00:24:18.429 --> 00:24:29.483
Yeah, and I think one of the good things about going through this process is I try and make it fun and interesting and break it down, and it's got to have some cool visuals.

00:24:29.615 --> 00:24:57.500
It's got to keep us engaged, have different ways to keep us engaged, it's got to keep us engaged, have different ways to keep us engaged, and if we don't have, that it's not you know, for people with ADHD, you know, mean it's yeah, like the first thing I ever wrote for adhd and money.

00:24:57.641 --> 00:25:13.183
When I reread it back to myself now which I think is people can still get like on my website I'm like, well, this isn't really adhd friendly because it required me to work with a lot of people and to actually see this all happening in real life, like if I were to rewrite a book now, it would be so different than the first thing I wrote.

00:25:13.183 --> 00:25:27.362
Yeah, more pictures, pictures, visuals, short chunks of words, not long paragraphs, exactly bullets, graphics, interactiveness, make it kind of like a treasure hunt.

00:25:27.362 --> 00:25:33.940
Make it make gamify it, give it some fun challenge, but also never let there be a friction bottleneck.

00:25:34.440 --> 00:25:38.005
I think, ask a lot of questions, a lot of question bubbles, you know.

00:25:38.625 --> 00:25:43.090
Yeah, open-ended questions, just to kind of let the kind of Open-ended bubble questions.

00:25:43.090 --> 00:25:44.661
Get the thought seed planted.

00:25:45.214 --> 00:25:51.298
Yes, you'll notice in the book, there's a lot of bubble kind of stuff in there and that seems to work really well.

00:25:51.298 --> 00:26:02.096
I mean, I had one person tell me in my masterclass that it was the most ADHD friendly book he had ever seen and that was the best compliment I could ever get.

00:26:02.096 --> 00:26:06.646
And it just launched in January, so it hasn't been out there very long.

00:26:06.646 --> 00:26:08.718
I've gotten a really good response so far.

00:26:08.718 --> 00:26:15.301
Yeah, that meant a lot to me to have somebody say that it was the most ADHD friendly book he had ever seen.

00:26:15.301 --> 00:26:16.025
That's great.

00:26:16.045 --> 00:26:18.291
Yeah, that's a lot to me to have somebody say that it was the most ADHD friendly book he had ever seen.

00:26:18.291 --> 00:26:18.553
That's great.

00:26:18.553 --> 00:26:18.933
Yeah, that's good.

00:26:18.933 --> 00:26:19.214
It totally is.

00:26:19.214 --> 00:26:21.021
I'm seeing thought bubbles right now.

00:26:21.021 --> 00:26:28.340
Ask yourself what books did I love reading, what types of kids did I have the most fun with, and what activities did we do together?

00:26:28.340 --> 00:26:29.083
That's a great question.

00:26:29.454 --> 00:26:35.561
The things that you just don't think about that play into who you really are.

00:26:35.561 --> 00:26:45.961
You know what is really meaningful to you and what's going to spark your energy and guide you along the way and put the wind beneath your wings.

00:26:46.202 --> 00:26:54.968
you know that one Maybe that's too old of a reference for you no, no, that makes what you're doing feel light, like you have something pushing you along.

00:26:55.915 --> 00:26:58.061
People with ADHD always get that reference.

00:26:58.061 --> 00:26:59.425
Like the wind beneath your wings.

00:26:59.425 --> 00:27:02.394
What energizes you, what pushes you from behind?

00:27:02.394 --> 00:27:17.523
What makes work feel like you're just cruising all the time Because you've got that wind beneath your wings, exactly Cruising and even hyper focus in some ways, in a good way you know, on projects that you really enjoy doing.

00:27:17.523 --> 00:27:19.805
That are the majority of your work.

00:27:20.525 --> 00:27:32.731
Yeah, hyper focus from a place of excitement, not not from a fear based hyper focus where it's like, oh I, self sabotage, procrastinated the past three weeks and now I'm hyper focus because I have no choice.

00:27:32.731 --> 00:27:34.272
That's the bad hyper-focus.

00:27:36.355 --> 00:27:45.558
Then there's a good hyper-focus where it's or hyper-focus to get away as a distraction from the rest of your life, but more because you're just enjoying it and you admit this is so much fun.

00:27:45.558 --> 00:28:03.345
I don't want to stop doing it, but now it's time for me to go home and be with my kids, or it's time for me to get out of my off my home office and show my face, because you have other aspects of your life that are working hopefully too or not working, so you get help, yeah.

00:28:03.866 --> 00:28:11.631
What are some of the like real unfortunate things people with ADHD you find or struggle with in corporate settings?

00:28:11.631 --> 00:28:20.561
I'm thinking specifically in my mind of like the way they're maybe treated Like what are some some signs that it's like this culture is just maybe not for me.

00:28:21.434 --> 00:28:24.281
Today's corporate culture is very different.

00:28:24.281 --> 00:28:26.867
I never fit into the corporate world myself.

00:28:26.867 --> 00:28:29.258
I just never enjoyed it.

00:28:29.258 --> 00:28:37.569
I never enjoyed sitting in a cubicle or even an office where it just felt isolating on some level.

00:28:37.569 --> 00:28:43.028
I feel less isolated at home working with people on Zoom than I did in an office setting.

00:28:43.474 --> 00:28:56.190
But I'd say there's so many aspects of the corporate world that challenge people these days and you know I do want to say firsthand that not every corporate situation is negative for people.

00:28:56.190 --> 00:29:09.741
There are some companies that are getting it and making strides in that area and the ones that are at least trying, you know they're the winners, they're the ones that are going to get these productive adhd people when they figure that out.

00:29:09.741 --> 00:29:18.442
But part of figuring it out means you have to listen and you have to be willing to make to do some accommodation work with them.

00:29:18.442 --> 00:29:22.738
But the accommodation, so that's not answering the corporate question.

00:29:22.738 --> 00:29:29.701
That's a big question because it really depends on the corporation, the ones that I see people working with now.

00:29:29.701 --> 00:29:56.160
Very often the term soul crushing kind of goes along with it, and for many reasons I mean because people try and fit themselves in with neurotypical people and try and keep up and it generally it might take longer to do a task, so they're just not getting as much done, they're not as productive or they're being watched all the time, they're being called on the carpet.

00:29:56.160 --> 00:29:59.627
You can't say you know, it's really not okay.

00:29:59.835 --> 00:30:04.605
I don't think I don't recommend telling people you have ADHD, telling your boss.

00:30:04.605 --> 00:30:06.209
You don't recommend that.

00:30:06.209 --> 00:30:07.536
I do not.

00:30:07.536 --> 00:30:28.150
What I recommend is something in the book and in the class we cover very extensively, and that is creating a self-accommodation plan where it's so extensive that you know how your environment needs to be to function productively and in a fulfilling kind of way.

00:30:28.150 --> 00:30:40.727
I mean you know, sitting where you're sitting, doing what you're doing, what your environment needs to be right and that's why you're successful doing what you're doing and why I'm successful doing what I'm doing, because I have that rigged for myself.

00:30:41.268 --> 00:30:57.616
But if you don't have a way to do that and number one, it starts with understanding what you need and then being uncompromising about only being in work situations that will allow certain you to have your way accommodation wise.

00:30:57.616 --> 00:31:00.403
And that doesn't always mean demanding the employer do it.

00:31:00.403 --> 00:31:13.617
It means asking the right questions and letting them know that if you, when you're able to work in this way, when you have your environment kind of set up a certain way, you can be the most productive person for them and make them a ton of money.

00:31:13.617 --> 00:31:17.448
If that's the way you want to put it, they will have like a top-notch employee.

00:31:17.448 --> 00:31:27.021
It could be expressed as a win-win and a way to collaborate more with the employer than to say I need all this stuff, I have to have all this stuff.

00:31:27.021 --> 00:31:31.519
I demand you do this for me, because nobody responds well to that.

00:31:31.519 --> 00:31:36.229
It has to be a win-win and it has to be with your knowledge of what you need.

00:31:36.229 --> 00:31:40.865
And if you don't create a plan and really understand what it is, how can you articulate it?

00:31:41.426 --> 00:31:42.127
Yeah for sure.

00:31:42.127 --> 00:31:50.730
Even just going through that exercise will probably help you with your confidence to advocate for yourself, because you at least can articulate and understand what you need.

00:31:50.730 --> 00:32:00.707
Sometimes you just have a sense that you need something, but you don't know what it is and you feel kind of funny about it and you feel kind of, you know, get that like kind of underlying hum of like, oh, something's not right.

00:32:00.707 --> 00:32:06.883
You can never do anything about it, especially if you're in a corporate setting where you feel, when you said, feeling watched like that.

00:32:06.883 --> 00:32:09.782
That just gives me the heebie-jeebies idea, does it?

00:32:15.775 --> 00:32:17.118
But so the idea of, doesn't it but so many people are.

00:32:17.140 --> 00:32:18.564
So many people with adhd are being watched all the time.

00:32:18.564 --> 00:32:25.923
It's the word and that's the worst thing for us if you have adhd and a little bit of anxiety not just in blue collar jobs but in white collar jobs as well.

00:32:26.444 --> 00:32:40.486
There is a certain amount of surveillance that goes on in a lot of companies and time like being watched for how long you take a break or how long you when you're arriving or leaving or whatever.

00:32:40.486 --> 00:32:50.167
And the other thing is mandatory overtime, not getting paid for it, and very often when you get a salary, you're just expected to work 80 hours a week.

00:32:50.428 --> 00:32:56.717
You know that's just the norm these days yeah, I remember my first job was a corporate job.

00:32:56.717 --> 00:33:00.750
I'd say the culture of the company was actually pretty good like it was.

00:33:00.750 --> 00:33:07.309
The seating was open and it was all about collaboration and talking and whatever.

00:33:07.309 --> 00:33:09.757
But I remember I was studying for my cfa.

00:33:09.757 --> 00:33:23.288
Then I would go to lunch and I would study for a while definitely longer than you know, I guess what would be deemed an acceptable lunch break and after a while, you know my my supervisor was like got to stop doing that.

00:33:23.288 --> 00:33:25.402
I mean, I'm getting all my job done.

00:33:25.402 --> 00:33:30.247
My job here is very repeatable and it's the same thing every day and I'm getting it all done.

00:33:30.247 --> 00:33:32.694
You're not giving me anything else to do, like that's a big deal.

00:33:32.694 --> 00:33:33.275
I'm stretching it all done.

00:33:33.275 --> 00:33:34.915
You're not giving me anything else to do Like what's the big deal?

00:33:34.915 --> 00:33:35.576
I'm stretching my brain here.

00:33:35.596 --> 00:33:42.279
Maybe I'll use that to benefit your health, that's a perfect example of how ADHD people don't fit into that environment.

00:33:42.279 --> 00:33:44.260
Very often not all.

00:33:44.260 --> 00:33:48.242
When I say ADHD people, I mean it's everybody's different.

00:33:48.242 --> 00:34:03.829
Some people can, but I think the ones that try and fit themselves in you know the square peg in a round hole kind of thing eventually break down and need to get out or find or end up with in burnout or end up in the HR office.

00:34:03.829 --> 00:34:07.031
Hrs are there are people that work for the company.

00:34:07.031 --> 00:34:11.693
They don't really work for the employees, so that's not always the same.

00:34:12.655 --> 00:34:17.503
Yeah, and if I didn't have such fear of letting people down or I wasn't overly compliant, I would have just kept doing it.

00:34:17.503 --> 00:34:22.224
So I'd be like I would have decided that it's actually better for this company in the long run.

00:34:22.224 --> 00:34:27.056
If you, let me study for this, because then I can use this knowledge to do better service to these clients that we're serving.

00:34:27.056 --> 00:34:30.186
So what's the big deal if I'm getting all my job done?

00:34:30.835 --> 00:34:39.597
That should be part of your job is to do that studying yeah I'm like, was the only one around, I would go to eat lunch and pull out the textbook and I would start reading it.

00:34:39.597 --> 00:34:48.007
You know, I'm reading a textbook on finance alone during lunch, instead of going back and pretending to work and chatting with people.

00:34:48.146 --> 00:34:50.576
You know so it's and they're calling you on the carpet for that.

00:34:50.576 --> 00:34:52.739
Yeah, how ridiculous is that?

00:34:52.800 --> 00:35:20.722
it's funny though, because, like the supervisor who did it was, he was a friend, but it's because it's being fed down to him for the middle manager who's who's who's a jerk, and no one likes him and he feels like he's got like a little god complex and likes to keep everybody in check, which is like okay, and even like the person who told me he was like yeah, then you, oh gosh, the overlords or what, have caught on to me and they can't say it to my face, even though I can see all of my managers from where I'm sitting.

00:35:20.722 --> 00:35:26.565
They had to go to do chain of command, just like no, that's the term chain of command gives me the heebie-jeebies.

00:35:26.996 --> 00:35:28.442
Anyway, you'll love that.

00:35:28.442 --> 00:35:38.838
One of my favorite exercises is the converting dislikes to must-haves.

00:35:38.838 --> 00:35:46.661
So you take all the things that you really the conditions you hate in your workplace or in the work environment, and I break them down into physical and non-physical.

00:35:46.661 --> 00:35:51.635
Non-physical being the culture, by the way, and the chain of command kind of thing.

00:35:51.635 --> 00:35:53.896
That would be another non-physical.

00:35:53.896 --> 00:36:05.626
But to say all the things you hate on the left-hand side, like you draw a line down the middle on the left, you put all the things you hate and then we convert, you go back to the top and then you take the very first one you wrote.

00:36:05.786 --> 00:36:07.786
And what is the other side of that for you?

00:36:07.786 --> 00:36:15.193
So if micromanaging is number one, the other side of that might be more flexibility.

00:36:15.193 --> 00:36:31.644
You know environment, that's more flexible, where I am trusted to get the work done within a certain timeframe, where somebody is not breathing down my neck all the time and with expectations that are not realistic, necessarily, all of those things that you can.

00:36:31.644 --> 00:36:33.778
For each person it's different, right?

00:36:33.778 --> 00:36:36.418
So I say there's no opposite, necessarily.

00:36:36.418 --> 00:36:38.184
There's just the other side for you.

00:36:38.184 --> 00:36:41.217
That's a very freeing exercise to do.

00:36:41.217 --> 00:36:45.385
It's just to just regurgitate all of it and say what you don't like.

00:36:45.385 --> 00:36:52.215
That's one of the steps to getting real and honest with yourself, you know, and not being afraid to just come out with it.

00:36:52.215 --> 00:36:59.376
And in the the class, when I have people do that and they read their list, it's sometimes it's just like people are you should see the head bobbing.

00:36:59.396 --> 00:37:06.820
That goes on yeah, I bet not just the head bobbing, but people going oh my gosh, you're so right I forgot about that one.

00:37:07.382 --> 00:37:08.766
Some of the things might be hard to admit.

00:37:08.766 --> 00:37:25.186
I imagine too, like part in the sense that like well, I should be able to just handle this on my own, but like and just accepting that like no, I do need like, an environment that's like positive, positively affirming, not using negative or fear to incentive or, you know, to get you working.

00:37:25.186 --> 00:37:41.922
Because a lot of us adhders, we thrive on the reminders of, of feeling appreciated by our employer and by because, for me, as soon as you put me into a negative, you start triggering all the inadequacy of like oh gosh, I'm going to fail, like that shuts you down.

00:37:41.922 --> 00:37:47.007
I mean that you can't even do good work if you're in a heightened anxiety state because of that kind of thing.

00:37:47.007 --> 00:37:48.402
So exactly.

00:37:48.635 --> 00:37:51.402
You can't do it and some people get rebellious.

00:37:51.402 --> 00:37:56.197
You know, there's that little rebellious thing inside of each one of us.

00:37:56.197 --> 00:37:57.561
With ADHD.

00:37:57.561 --> 00:38:09.277
We have something that we can be very rebellious about when we're told things have to be a certain way, and that's why you see many people like me working independently, and maybe you as well.

00:38:09.277 --> 00:38:11.523
I can't work for other people.

00:38:11.523 --> 00:38:29.286
I just it took me not very long Well, it took me maybe five years of working for someone else, doing something, doing the work I really liked, but it was the working for someone else part right To realize that I had to be on my own and I didn't ever want to work for anyone again and I never looked back.

00:38:29.831 --> 00:38:35.072
Yeah, how many people in your classes come to the conclusion that they want to pursue entrepreneurship?

00:38:35.773 --> 00:38:36.516
Well, okay.

00:38:36.516 --> 00:38:48.353
So the definition to me of entrepreneurship is more starting something like a startup kind of thing, where you have a team of people and you're raising money, capital and blah, blah, blah.

00:38:48.755 --> 00:38:50.840
Or self-employed, working for yourself.

00:38:51.369 --> 00:38:53.641
Self-employed is, to me, different.

00:38:53.641 --> 00:38:58.637
It's more you're doing something that you're trained to do, but you're just doing it on your own.

00:38:58.637 --> 00:39:03.300
You're not necessarily starting, but you have the ability to do whatever you want with it.

00:39:03.300 --> 00:39:07.916
So it could become very entrepreneurial at some point, but you're just actually for me.

00:39:07.916 --> 00:39:14.106
I was just taking the work that I already did and you know I got my own office and my own stationery and did it my way.

00:39:14.106 --> 00:39:15.891
I wasn't answering to anyone.

00:39:16.373 --> 00:39:17.918
I still call you an entrepreneur.

00:39:18.519 --> 00:39:20.105
I am because I started.

00:39:20.105 --> 00:39:22.130
I started a company called Kids Art.

00:39:22.130 --> 00:39:26.561
That was entrepreneurial I'm very entrepreneurial actually, but I don't.

00:39:26.561 --> 00:39:36.534
Sometimes it can be overwhelming for people to start out with the idea of entrepreneurship versus just let's do something on my own for a while and see how that feels.

00:39:36.773 --> 00:39:39.382
Yeah, I guess that is a that's a useful distinction.

00:39:40.170 --> 00:39:49.958
Yeah, I knew when I tried to raise capital for this one company, I hated doing that so much that I just it shut the whole thing down for me.

00:39:49.958 --> 00:39:52.023
I hated raising capital, god I hate.

00:39:52.023 --> 00:39:53.695
Some people are good at it.

00:39:53.695 --> 00:39:55.791
That's their job, but not me.

00:39:55.791 --> 00:39:57.996
It wasn't anything I felt comfortable doing.

00:39:57.996 --> 00:40:02.632
Asking for money and pitching people, blah, blah, blah.

00:40:02.632 --> 00:40:03.577
I just didn't love it.

00:40:04.159 --> 00:40:09.737
Also, you know, once you get capital and investors, then you're kind of back to working for someone else.

00:40:10.277 --> 00:40:12.682
Exactly, that was the other thing that was.

00:40:12.682 --> 00:40:19.655
The unspoken thing is that now you have an obligation to these investors yeah, a big one.

00:40:20.115 --> 00:40:23.521
Bootstrapping is the way to go exactly, I will 100.

00:40:24.483 --> 00:40:28.719
Everything I did was bootstrapped, really, and the one that that wasn't was the one.

00:40:28.719 --> 00:40:30.550
I needed capital and it didn't work.

00:40:30.550 --> 00:40:35.813
But it was a great idea because I'm very entrepreneurial but I love working on my own.

00:40:35.813 --> 00:40:45.842
Doing this work has allowed me to do so many cool things with what I'm doing that that's what I want for other people to feel that freedom, in whatever form it comes.

00:40:45.842 --> 00:40:56.231
I don't know, I think working for someone getting back to owing investors, I really think people need to think twice about that with ADHD, I really do.

00:40:56.231 --> 00:41:09.951
Unless you have your, have carved out your position to be exactly the way it works for you, environmentally and accommodation wise, so you, you could at least have the freedom to do that.

00:41:09.951 --> 00:41:11.253
Yeah, I hear you?

00:41:11.313 --> 00:41:19.240
I think definitely, when I was saying entrepreneurship, I was in my mind, I was thinking just working for yourself, just being your own boss in some capacity.

00:41:19.769 --> 00:41:23.177
Yes, being your own boss Absolutely 100%.

00:41:23.177 --> 00:41:47.695
What I always tell people is look, you probably will work for somebody first, especially if you're starting something new, and I always say don't do it until you know exactly what you want and you've gone through this process first, so that you can identify what you want, and then working for someone else is more about laying the foundation for how to do it, so you can take it on the road and do it yourself.

00:41:47.695 --> 00:41:50.525
Yeah, absolutely, isn't that true?

00:41:50.525 --> 00:41:54.911
I did that for five years before I took off and did my own thing.

00:41:54.911 --> 00:42:03.458
I worked for two employers and I got to do whatever I wanted because I was top of the line at the company, because I was doing what I loved.

00:42:03.458 --> 00:42:10.804
But then the company became the second company was mom and pop that went corporate and I said, no, that's it, I'm out of here.

00:42:11.304 --> 00:42:35.057
Yeah, going into a job, knowing before that this is a means to an end that's much more freeing, helps you probably emotionally get during that job to be like to keep that in the back of your mind, but also you then are also in the back of your mind or thinking about all the ways that you could improve or how you're going to do it when you're on your own and learning, soaking all of the experience in a way that's applying it to what you're going to be doing.

00:42:35.498 --> 00:42:48.836
It just makes it all more purposeful and much more it does and it makes it easier to work for someone else when you know, oh, this is like, this is like my training, this is my schooling and I'm going to do a great job, so I can.

00:42:49.056 --> 00:43:36.632
I can really feel good about it, but you are, you're doing something that you actually enjoy for someone else first, but you're learning the ropes and I always, like I said, kind of getting back to what I tell people is that you may work for somebody for a while for that purpose, right, or even just in general, because a lot of people with ADHD I mean I've seen people work for 20 years for the same employer with ADHD somehow they did it, but then work for 20 years for the same employer with ADHD somehow they did it, but then at some point it's going to fall apart because the ADHD part of your brain is going to catch up and then something will happen where things will go awry, it will crash at some point, and then it's time to really look at what is it that I really want and go from there.

00:43:37.315 --> 00:43:52.134
Yeah, I could just see it being as simple as like one day you wake up and, just like, I don't really feel like going in today, I've lost all engagement in this, and then that could be planting the seed for ultimately be let go just because, like you're just no longer, you don't have any of your heart in it.

00:43:52.355 --> 00:43:55.161
There's no way to avoid this process.

00:43:55.161 --> 00:44:10.222
When I first started doing this I'm going to be honest all I could think of in the back of my mind is why isn't every human being on the planet who has the ability to go to school, take classes, live, get their needs met or whatever?

00:44:10.222 --> 00:44:23.690
Why isn't everyone doing this process, doing something like this before they make these critical decisions Like even going to college, even getting into taking a training program, doing anything literally?

00:44:23.690 --> 00:44:26.581
Why would they not do something like this first?

00:44:26.581 --> 00:44:31.862
And I never really said it out loud because I thought, oh, that's too much selling.

00:44:31.862 --> 00:44:35.331
You know you're selling and I hated the idea of selling.

00:44:35.954 --> 00:44:55.704
But I know, looking back after all these years, that without going through something like this and unless you're really happy with what you're doing which is very cool and 100% support continuing along that path but at some point at least with ADHD, you must do this.

00:44:55.704 --> 00:44:58.615
You must do something, and that's why I wrote the book.

00:44:58.615 --> 00:45:06.521
It's at least for people who can't invest in the class and I can't, obviously, it's just me and one other person teaching the class now.

00:45:06.521 --> 00:45:24.436
But the book is a good way to get started and there are ways to do that with other people and I wanted to get into the hands of teachers, so that you know that's why I say it's for teens so that high school teachers can start giving their students this information, taking them through a process.

00:45:25.530 --> 00:45:32.972
So before they decide on a college, before they decide on a degree, certainly in the first two years of college is another time to do it.

00:45:32.972 --> 00:45:35.293
Certainly in the first two years of college is another time to do it.

00:45:35.293 --> 00:45:54.027
If you haven't decided on a major, or if you are unemployed and you can't figure out what, how to take the skills, or even figure out the skills that you have that you want to use, and maybe what industries you could use them in where it would make sense, and you could then articulate all that to an employer.

00:45:54.027 --> 00:46:05.003
This process will help you get at least and the book is a good start, as long as you do the whole damn thing and you have somebody else to work with to do it.

00:46:05.003 --> 00:46:07.431
So yes, it should be in every unemployment office.

00:46:07.431 --> 00:46:12.864
It should be in every high school, every career center and colleges.

00:46:13.769 --> 00:46:14.192
And parents.

00:46:14.192 --> 00:46:15.336
I'm thinking of parents too.

00:46:16.130 --> 00:46:17.235
Well, that's the next one.

00:46:17.235 --> 00:46:22.621
Parents and teachers and also the entire mental health professional.

00:46:22.621 --> 00:46:27.317
That means psychologists, that means therapists, that means psychiatrists.

00:46:27.317 --> 00:46:33.818
They should all have access to it, because a lot of the issues that come up for people are career-related issues.

00:46:33.818 --> 00:46:34.750
They up for people are career related issues.

00:46:34.750 --> 00:46:45.485
They can help people, you know, start to break that down with their clients, and so it should be in the hands of all of those professionals, and that was my goal.

00:46:45.485 --> 00:46:47.630
It was, you know, I'm getting up there in age.

00:46:47.630 --> 00:46:54.157
No, oh yeah, I don't sound like it, because I have ADHD and we kind of run young, don't we?

00:46:54.798 --> 00:46:55.119

00:46:55.340 --> 00:46:56.141
We run young.

00:46:56.961 --> 00:46:59.684
Yeah, the brains keep firing, can't slow it down.

00:46:59.704 --> 00:47:00.686
I'm a boomer baby.

00:47:00.686 --> 00:47:01.327
I'm a boomer.

00:47:01.327 --> 00:47:06.521
When you hit the boomer category, you start thinking about what legacy do you want to leave?

00:47:06.521 --> 00:47:09.273
You know what do you want to leave the world?

00:47:09.273 --> 00:47:15.684
And this book was the only thing I could, was the one thing I thought would be a really good something to leave the world.

00:47:18.369 --> 00:47:22.163
I think it's a great thing to leave the world and I think this is something that, like, I'm already thinking about with my kids.

00:47:22.163 --> 00:47:26.800
I'd be like, whether or not they have ADHD, like, hey, we're going to do this book together.

00:47:26.800 --> 00:47:41.608
Yeah, before you go off to college because if I'm paying for your college to some extent, I'm not, I don't want to, I'm not paying for four years of floating around drinking all the time I want you to have an idea and like get a little bit pumped up about.

00:47:41.608 --> 00:47:43.668
Like, like, having an idea of what you want to do.

00:47:43.668 --> 00:47:45.652
That really makes a difference.

00:47:45.652 --> 00:47:48.880
Yeah, you can't avoid figuring it out by doing a book like this.

00:47:48.880 --> 00:47:52.514
If you do this book and you're not faking it, you're gonna learn to learn some stuff.

00:47:52.914 --> 00:47:57.545
You're going to learn some stuff, and if you ignore it, it's at your own consequence.

00:47:58.389 --> 00:48:04.550
Yeah, you could do a book and learn it and then learn a bunch of stuff Makes a lot of sense and ignored for 10 years.

00:48:04.550 --> 00:48:08.481
But then you can just go right back to the book and be like, oh wait, you still have it there.

00:48:08.481 --> 00:48:21.998
So even if you forget it and you go off track, you can kind of re go back and be like, oh wait, I did this book and it looks like from this, these notes.

00:48:22.018 --> 00:48:24.485
I have that actually somehow saved, that I'm not in alignment with any of it, so I should get back on track.

00:48:24.485 --> 00:48:33.416
Exactly, yeah, so it's available now on my website, which is probably the best place to get it, because then I have sometimes I have like 15% discounts on it.

00:48:33.916 --> 00:48:37.376
So can I say my website, you can say all the things that you need to say.

00:48:37.750 --> 00:48:38.853
Say all the things.

00:48:38.853 --> 00:48:46.617
Buy the book, guys Careercoachingmichellecom, which will take you to passion2careercom.

00:48:46.617 --> 00:48:49.934
So it's either one of those Passion to Career or Career Coaching Michelle.

00:48:49.934 --> 00:48:54.826
And you click on coursebook and it gives you it's like an author's page.

00:48:54.826 --> 00:48:58.141
It gives you like a description and some cool stuff.

00:48:58.141 --> 00:49:06.242
I think it's got some reviews in there on Amazon at launch in January it's it's got five reviews and Amazon holds onto those.

00:49:06.242 --> 00:49:07.083
I don't know why.

00:49:07.083 --> 00:49:10.759
Boy, so many people have reviewed who said that it hasn't shown up yet.

00:49:10.759 --> 00:49:14.920
So I know there's more reviews kind of waiting, but those five are pretty cool.

00:49:14.920 --> 00:49:17.056
So you can get it there too.

00:49:18.269 --> 00:49:22.277
And the book is called yeah, nobody knows the name of the book that helps Shell.

00:49:22.277 --> 00:49:22.760
That helps.

00:49:22.760 --> 00:49:28.742
It's called A Course for Adults and Teens Unlock your Career Path.

00:49:28.742 --> 00:49:30.420
Unlock your Career Path.

00:49:30.420 --> 00:49:33.072
Even if you put Unlock your Career Path, it'll probably come up.

00:49:33.072 --> 00:49:37.257
Or you put my name, shel Mendelson, m-e-n-d-e-l-s-o-n.

00:49:37.257 --> 00:49:38.898
Plenty of ways to get it.

00:49:38.898 --> 00:49:53.733
And once you get a copy of it, when you start using it and you start seeing kind of the ease of use or any of that a review would be fantastic.

00:49:53.755 --> 00:49:54.056
I would love it.

00:49:54.056 --> 00:49:55.889
I'll be sure to give it a review and if I don't, then I will do it once you remind me.

00:49:55.889 --> 00:50:03.717
Take a minute to tell the audience who may be listening to this, I don't know Pump them up, inspire them to pursue this.

00:50:04.409 --> 00:50:08.920
You mean everything we've been talking about hasn't done that Okay.

00:50:09.461 --> 00:50:11.514
Tied in a bow A little pep talk.

00:50:11.875 --> 00:50:21.072
Yeah, if you are ready to really get some clarity and focus on what it is you wanna do in work and career, look no further.

00:50:21.072 --> 00:50:21.815
This is it.

00:50:21.815 --> 00:50:22.873
This is the book.

00:50:22.873 --> 00:50:23.695
Look no further.

00:50:23.695 --> 00:50:24.259
This is it.

00:50:24.259 --> 00:50:26.878
And that's for people even without ADHD.

00:50:26.878 --> 00:50:29.577
Obviously, the process is for everyone.

00:50:29.577 --> 00:50:33.873
It does focus heavily on people with ADHD, but we all know that.

00:50:33.873 --> 00:50:37.715
That just means that it makes it clearer for everyone else when it's written the right way.

00:50:38.230 --> 00:50:38.931
That's all I've ever.

00:50:38.931 --> 00:50:41.179
That's been the biggest epiphany I've had.

00:50:41.179 --> 00:50:45.139
And when you make something ADHD friendly, you're just making it for everyone.

00:50:45.721 --> 00:50:46.282
That's true.

00:50:46.282 --> 00:50:56.530
So anyone and everyone should be grabbing a copy of when they're ready to actually get some clarity and be real with themselves.

00:50:56.530 --> 00:50:58.074
You know about.

00:50:58.074 --> 00:51:01.362
This is what I want, this is what this is me, this is who I am.

00:51:01.362 --> 00:51:01.891
I'm ready.

00:51:02.492 --> 00:51:14.963
Yeah, I flipped through the whole thing or scroll, and I suppose I have a digital version and it's full of pictures, it's full of exercises, it's full of places to write stuff or I don't know.

00:51:14.963 --> 00:51:15.724
It just looks good.

00:51:16.530 --> 00:51:20.909
And the physical version is so much better and I'm going to send you the physical version.

00:51:20.909 --> 00:51:22.735
I'm sending you the physical version.

00:51:23.315 --> 00:51:25.061
Oh sweet, yeah, it's solid.

00:51:25.061 --> 00:51:28.259
I feel like you this would be especially for so many of my clients.

00:51:28.259 --> 00:51:39.844
If you're listening and you're not totally happy in your career and you got one life, what do you got to really lose by exploring what it would look like to have a more fulfilling career?

00:51:40.590 --> 00:51:43.519
I want to say it's mandatory, but I guess I can't say that.

00:51:43.519 --> 00:51:45.215
I should say it's mandatory for life.

00:51:45.858 --> 00:51:51.322
Yeah, most of us will spend eight hours a day, five days a week, working a lot of time in your life.

00:51:51.322 --> 00:52:00.652
You might as well try and configure a way to make that time you've spent give you a lot more than just a paycheck that helps you live the other parts of your life.

00:52:01.153 --> 00:52:07.175
And then, when you get rich because you're doing what you love, you can start using David to work with your investments.

00:52:07.175 --> 00:52:08.757
Find the right investments.

00:52:08.757 --> 00:52:09.739
That's right.

00:52:10.842 --> 00:52:14.958
So I'm gonna let you go, but thank you so much for hopping on for a chat.

00:52:14.958 --> 00:52:15.880
That was fun.

00:52:15.880 --> 00:52:17.172
I think it was great.

00:52:17.172 --> 00:52:18.659
I think people will get a lot out of that.

00:52:18.659 --> 00:52:21.038
So thank you so much for joining.

00:52:21.349 --> 00:52:23.934
Thanks for having me, david, it was so much fun.